Nintendo Wii U

Nintendo Wii U is īwungplegtōl fram Nintendo and se æfterfolgere þæs Wii. Ðes īwungplegtōl wæs on Blōdmōnðe þæs 2012. gēares geworht. Hē stōd wið PlayStation 4 (Sony) and Xbox One (Microsoft) swā se forma īwungplegtōl þǣre eahtoðan cnēorisse þāra īwungplegtōla.

Wii U is se ǣresta īwungplegtōl þæs Nintendo þe can brūcan hēare sweotolunge onlīcnesse. Ðæt hēafodlice wealdsearu þæs īwungplegtōles is Wii U GamePad þe īwungbredhandlunge hæfð. Ðis handlunge īwungbred mæg man tō ǣrestre tōgeīhtnesse þæs īwungtōles brūcan. Oððe mæg man forðrihte þurh GamePad plegan.

Genettes brūcing þæs Wii U is in Nintendo Network and Miiverse funden and bū sind geþeōdlic gesamnung. Ðēos gesamnung lǣteþ brūcenadas manigfealdlīcra gecȳðnessa dǣlan.

Wii U underfēng fela ungerǣdnesse for þǣre swilcnesse þāra īwungplegtōla. Hē wæs boht slāwlīce fram folce, for þǣm ðe sume fyrmeste īwungplegas sōðlīce unweorþlīce wǣron. Ēac fela brūcendas afundon þe næs hit swā gōd swā þæt PlayStation 4 oððe þæt Xbox One.

Bebycgung þæs Wii U wæs gebeterod þæs 2013. gēares æfter gesceafte manigra īwungplegena for þǣm īwungplegtōle, swilce Mario Kart 8, þe is nūhwīlum se betst cīpta īwungplega þæs Wii U geond þā worulde mid þȳ þe ofer 5,000,000 onlīcnessa wǣron gecīpt fram Sēremōnþe þæs 2015. gēares. Nintendo ācȳðde þæt Super Smash Bros. þæs Wii U wæs se hraðost cīpta īwungplega þæs Wii U, þæs þe wǣron 490,000 onlīcnessa becēapod in þǣm Geāndum Rīcum American on þǣm formum þrim dagum of þǣre bebycgunge.

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